Reading Women Challenge Complete!
I only had two goals for 2020, which is a damn good thing because things really haven’t gone as expected so I’m not sure I could have achieved more. One was to NOT go on a diet. The year isn’t over, but I’m well on my way to completing it. I’ve been tempted, but I haven’t done it. It will be the first time since I was 10, maybe? Maybe I’ll share more about why that was an important goal for me another time. For the moment, I want to focus on the goal I completed this week - the Reading Women Challenge.
It was a great year for a reading challenge with so much extra time at home, and this challenge served as an ongoing bright spot. Reading is something I’ve probably had more time to do this year than in the last few years, like approximately eight years ago, when Harper was born. I love to read, but somehow, it’s always easy to find other things to do. Until this year, I also didn’t really “allow” myself to buy books because I could just get them from the library for free. I can be really frugal at times, but sometimes that prevents me from choosing to spend money on things that bring me true joy, like books. This year, in order to complete the challenge, I started buying books again, and that turned out to be a significant investment in my own pleasure. I loved researching and selecting a book for the challenge category, and getting just exactly the book I wanted. I also loved hearing about a book on a podcast, or from a friend, and ordering it. I love seeing my to-read nightstand pile, and seeing it grow keeps me motivated to keep reading so it doesn’t reach the ceiling.
This is me, this year. At least I’m reading them!
I stumbled upon the challenge from Reading Women, which is actually a podcast that I’ve never listened to. It sounds kind of silly now that I’m writing that down, but I don’t know - I just haven’t. It’s probably great. Try it out and let me know.
The idea of a reading challenge appealed to me. I’ve grown resistant to goal-setting, and especially New Years goal setting, but I can’t shake the idea of it. I try to choose a New Years resolution each year that will bring me more pleasure, allow me to give myself permission to have a more joyful and fulfilled life. One year, I decided to drink more Champagne, because in my mind, I was always saving Champagne for really special occasions. That was fun, and it turns out you can drink champagne on a Tuesday for no reason at all. Another year, I decided to wear more hats. Also fun, although I admit that one didn’t stick and I don’t wear a lot of hats now.
I’ve never been that good at remembering books I want to read, or using Good Reads to follow other people and make lists, although I love the idea of it. But somehow, a paper list I can print and attach to my office wall really works for me. I read a variety of genres and authors I would never have read otherwise thanks to the challenge, and my life was better for having done so. And in a year when diversity, inclusion and equity at the forefront of my mind, I am especially grateful for a list that forced me to read female authors of many backgrounds
I have a few top books to recommend from this year, if you want something to read.
Know my Name - Chanel Miller - a memoir from the victim of the Brock Turner assault - challenging and beautiful.
El Deafo - Cece Bell - a graphic novel that I read, and Harper (my oldest daughter who is eight loves, and she and my husband are now reading it together). It was fun to find something that we can share together, and it’s a compelling story that feels like a glimpse into a different perspective.
Pachinko - Min Jin Lee - this intergenerational novel is just the kind of book I love. A taste of history, the stories of a family, and long. It’s a joy and a peek into the lives of a family that I didn’t know much about before reading.
And to congratulate myself, I bought this super dorky sweatshirt because this could basically be my slogan when I’m reading in bed.
If you want to see a full list of what I read for the challenge, find it here.
The challenge for 2021 isn’t out yet, but the categories change every year. Anyone want to join me on the 2021 challenge?